Little did we realise when we first bought our beautiful sloping block that it would be so difficult to find a builder (within our budget) to build on. Who knew a 3.5 metre fall across a 650m2 block was such an issue? Certainly wasn't us....
We just assumed we would find a lovely design with one of the big volume builders and build our dream house. This was not to be. Any of the big builders only use slabs to build foundations and that meant our house would be sitting in a hole - with huge retaining walls all the way around us!
I then started to research sloping block specialists and found that although the homes were beautiful - most were so expensive compared with the big volume builders.
But then, when I had almost given up (and thought we just might have to live in a mushroom house) through a Google search I found the most wonderful thing! An Elevated Display Village at Laurimar in Doreen. All the houses displayed are built on sloping blocks, and by builders who are not looking for a $1M for the privilige.
This is where we first saw BH Developments. We instantly fell in love with their display home. The quality was awesome and it just looked so different compared with all the other houses we had seen. It had also won Best Display Home (2010) MBAV ($300 - $350K)
At first we were sceptical - we knew the display home was beautiful - but too small for our needs, so it would have to cost a fortune to get what we wanted. After talking to Troy (The Sales Manager) he gave us a few ideas and said he would be happy to customise a plan for us and quote the job.
To our utter pleasure - when Troy came back with the construction proposal it was within our budget and had most (if not all) of all the luxury inclusions what we really wanted.
To date they have been awesome and we are really looking forward to building with them.
If anyone has a sloping block - I suggest you take a look at the Elevated Display Village at Laurimar. It saved our lives, so to speak! Even if you have a flat block take a look - they really made a refreshing change to all the other homes we saw.

Hi, found your blog through lots and lots of researching for a builder for my house. Just curious if I'm not being too nosy how much your house cost in total at the end? (And how much over/under budget you were) How have you found BH developments after you've moved in? Hope all went well! Thanks!